wynik komendy systemctl status fstrim.service
potem journalctl -xe
następna komeda: journalctl -xe | tail
i ostatnia komenda: sudo /sbin/fstrim --fstab --verbose
● fstrim.service - Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fstrim.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2020-12-18 10:16:09 CET; 44min ago
TriggeredBy: ● fstrim.timer
Docs: man:fstrim(8)
Process: 7867 ExecStart=/sbin/fstrim --fstab --verbose (code=exited, status=64)
Main PID: 7867 (code=exited, status=64)
gru 18 10:15:56 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: Starting Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab...
gru 18 10:15:56 linuxmint20 fstrim[7867]: fstrim: /mnt/0CA6DF99A6DF821E: ioctl FITRIM nie powiódł się: Urządzenie lub zasoby zajęte
gru 18 10:16:09 linuxmint20 fstrim[7867]: /home: 1,1 GiB (1229807616 bytes) trimmed on /dev/sdc4
gru 18 10:16:09 linuxmint20 fstrim[7867]: /boot/efi: 279,7 MiB (293261312 bytes) trimmed on /dev/sdc1
gru 18 10:16:09 linuxmint20 fstrim[7867]: /: 322,7 MiB (338309120 bytes) trimmed on /dev/sdc2
gru 18 10:16:09 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=64/USAGE
gru 18 10:16:09 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
gru 18 10:16:09 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: Failed to start Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab.
potem journalctl -xe
-- Rozpoczęto wykonywanie zadania uruchamiania dla jednostki systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service.
-- Identyfikator zadania: 2698.
gru 18 10:16:49 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service: Succeeded.
-- Subject: Jednostka się powiodła
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- Jednostka systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service pomyślnie przeszła do stanu „dead” (martwego).
gru 18 10:16:49 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: Finished Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
-- Subject: Pomyślnie ukończono zadanie uruchamiania dla jednostki systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- Pomyślnie ukończono zadanie uruchamiania dla jednostki systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service.
-- Identyfikator zadania: 2698.
gru 18 10:17:01 linuxmint20 CRON[7927]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
gru 18 10:17:01 linuxmint20 CRON[7928]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
gru 18 10:17:01 linuxmint20 CRON[7927]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
gru 18 10:17:39 linuxmint20 PackageKit[7550]: daemon quit
gru 18 10:17:39 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: packagekit.service: Succeeded.
-- Subject: Jednostka się powiodła
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- Jednostka packagekit.service pomyślnie przeszła do stanu „dead” (martwego).
gru 18 10:30:01 linuxmint20 CRON[8575]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
gru 18 10:30:01 linuxmint20 CRON[8576]: (root) CMD ([ -x /etc/init.d/anacron ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron start >/dev/null; fi)
gru 18 10:30:01 linuxmint20 CRON[8575]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
gru 18 10:34:27 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:34:27 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:35:02 linuxmint20 gnome-terminal-[7824]: g_menu_insert_item: assertion 'G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item)' failed
gru 18 10:35:58 linuxmint20 gnome-terminal-[7824]: g_menu_insert_item: assertion 'G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item)' failed
gru 18 10:41:25 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:41:25 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:42:54 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:42:54 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:49:16 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:49:16 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:49:20 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:49:20 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:49:20 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:49:20 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:49:20 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Successfully made thread 9859 of process 9395 owned by '1000' RT at priority 10.
gru 18 10:49:20 linuxmint20 rtkit-daemon[1964]: Supervising 8 threads of 3 processes of 1 users.
gru 18 10:52:38 linuxmint20 gnome-terminal-[7824]: g_menu_insert_item: assertion 'G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item)' failed
gru 18 10:55:31 linuxmint20 gnome-terminal-[7824]: g_menu_insert_item: assertion 'G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item)' failed
gru 18 10:57:21 linuxmint20 gnome-terminal-[7824]: g_menu_insert_item: assertion 'G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item)' failed
gru 18 11:00:01 linuxmint20 CRON[10486]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
gru 18 11:00:01 linuxmint20 CRON[10487]: (root) CMD (timeshift --check --scripted)
gru 18 11:00:01 linuxmint20 crontab[10522]: (root) LIST (root)
gru 18 11:00:01 linuxmint20 crontab[10523]: (root) LIST (root)
gru 18 11:00:01 linuxmint20 CRON[10486]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
gru 18 11:01:35 linuxmint20 gnome-terminal-[7824]: g_menu_insert_item: assertion 'G_IS_MENU_ITEM (item)' failed
gru 18 11:02:04 linuxmint20 jackett[1422]: 12-18 11:02:04 Info Checking for updates... Jackett variant: CoreLinuxAmdx64
gru 18 11:02:04 linuxmint20 jackett[1422]: 12-18 11:02:04 Info Jackett is already updated. Current version: v0.17.101
-- Identyfikator zadania: 2702.
gru 18 11:06:29 linuxmint20 systemd[1]: anacron.service: Succeeded.
-- Subject: Jednostka się powiodła
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- Jednostka anacron.service pomyślnie przeszła do stanu „dead” (martwego).
gru 18 11:06:29 linuxmint20 anacron[10907]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2020-12-18
gru 18 11:06:29 linuxmint20 anacron[10907]: Normal exit (0 jobs run)
fstrim: /mnt/0CA6DF99A6DF821E: ioctl FITRIM nie powiódł się: Urządzenie lub zasoby zajęte
/home: 4,5 MiB (4689920 bytes) trimmed on /dev/sdc4
/boot/efi: 279,7 MiB (293261312 bytes) trimmed on /dev/sdc1
/: 70,6 MiB (74059776 bytes) trimmed on /dev/sdc2