Rozwiązaniem może być:
za https://askubuntu.com/questions/1052971/...e-troubles
Cytat:Here's what worked for me under Linux Mint 19.2
Grab a copy of the latest r8168 driver (or download it via another computer and put it on USB storage)
Kod:wget http://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/r8168/r8168-dkms_8.047.02-1_all.deb
Install that driver (will automatically regenerate initramfs kernel image with integrated driver)
Kod:dpkg -i r8168-dkms_8.047.02-1_all.deb
Remove elder driver, blacklist it, and use newer one
Poniższe komendy wklej osobno do teminala zatwierdzając je enterem - przyp. YB3
Kod:rmmod r8169
echo "blacklist r8169" > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
modprobe r8168
Profit (and try if everything works after a fresh boot)
za https://askubuntu.com/questions/1052971/...e-troubles