Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
23-05-2019, 17:35
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 27-05-2019, 18:53 przez dedito.)
0 Temat zakończony.
Od miesiąca istnieje już oficjalne tłumaczenie na stronach projektu mint, jeszcze nieopublikowane.
Niedługo pojawi się kopia na naszym forum.
chciałbym Was zaprosić do wspólnego tłumaczenia oficjalnego przewodnika instalacji dostępnego pod adresem https://linuxmint-installation-guide.rea...en/latest/
Tłumaczenie zostałoby podzielone na kawałki tak aby każdy mógł współuczestniczyć w procesie tłumaczenia.
Linkuję do wersji angielskiej i takie źródła będę wklejać w tym wątku, jednak jeśli komuś wygodniej tłumaczyć z innego języka to nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie aby wybrał jako źródło inny dostępny na tej stronie
Organizacyjnie widzę to tak, że będę publikował materiały do tłumaczenia, a osoba zainteresowana przetłumaczeniem danego kawałka klika przycisk zgłoś i podając powód "inny" zgłasza swoje uczestnictwo w procesie tłumaczenia.
Po zakończeniu procesu tłumaczenia i ewentualnej korekcie, wyniki zostaną opublikowanej na oficjalnej stronie poradnika, służąc społeczności polskiej w ułatwieniu procesu instalacji.
Osoby, które wesprą proces tłumaczenia zostaną odpowiednio uhonorowane.
Muszę to jeszcze przedyskutować z ekipą naszego forum, ale wstępnie zakładałem, że byłaby to ranga redaktora lub inna forma uhonorowania.
Link do pliku źródłowego:
Pliki źródłowe innych języków:
A więc zaczynamy od pierwszego rozdziału.
P.S. Można śmiało wklejać kolejne działy, nie czekając na mnie.
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
23-05-2019, 17:41
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 26-05-2019, 11:35 przez dedito.)
0 Przewodnik instalacji Linux Mint
Linux Mint jest dystrybuowany w formie obrazów ISO (pliki o rozszerzeniu .iso ), które mogą służyć do utworzenia rozruchowego DVD lub rozruchowego nośnika USB.
Ten poradnik pomoże ci wybrać i ściągnąć właściwy obraz ISO, utworzyć z niego nośnik rozruchowy i zainstalować Linux Mint na twoim komputerze.
Uruchamianie systemu Live
Czynności po instalacji
Postępowanie w przypadku problemów.
Najczęstsze pytania
Poniżej przetłumaczony wsad.
Kod: #: ../../index.rst:2
msgid "Linux Mint Installation Guide"
msgstr "Przewodnik instalacji Linux Mint"
#: ../../index.rst:8
msgid ""
"Linux Mint comes in the form of an ISO image (an .iso file) which can be "
"used to make a bootable DVD or a bootable USB stick."
msgstr ""
"Linux Mint jest dystrybuowany w formie obrazów ISO (pliki o rozszerzeniu .iso ), które mogą "
"służyć do utworzenia rozruchowego DVD lub rozruchowego nośnika USB."
#: ../../index.rst:10
msgid ""
"This guide will help you download the right ISO image, create your bootable "
"media and install Linux Mint on your computer."
msgstr ""
"Ten poradnik pomoże ci wybrać i ściągnąć właściwy obraz ISO, utworzyć z niego "
"nośnik rozruchowy i zainstalować Linux Mint na twoim komputerze."
Kod: #: ../../sections.rst:5
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Pobieranie"
#: ../../sections.rst:7
msgid "Live Boot"
msgstr "Uruchamianie systemu Live"
#: ../../sections.rst:9
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "Instalacja"
#: ../../sections.rst:11
msgid "Post-installation"
msgstr "Czynności po instalacji"
#: ../../sections.rst:13
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Postępowanie w przypadku problemów"
#: ../../sections.rst:15
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Najczęstsze pytania"
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
23-05-2019, 17:50
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 27-05-2019, 14:06 przez dedito.)
0 Wybór edycji
Linux Mint możesz ściągnąć ze strony Linux Mint.
Poniżej opisano wybór, odpowiedniej dla ciebie, edycji i architektury.
Cinnamon, MATE czy Xfce?
Linux Mint występuje w 3 różnych odmianach, różniących się środowiskiem graficznym.
Cinnamon | Najbardziej nowoczesne, innowacyjne i w pełni funkcjonalne środowisko
MATE | Bardziej stabilne i szybsze środowisko
Xfce | Najlżejsze i najbardziej stabilne.
Najbardziej popularną wersją Linux Mint jest edycja Cinnamon. Cinnamon jest głównym środowiskiem Linux Mint i dla niego przeznaczonym. Jest schludny, piękny, i pełny nowych funkcjonalności.
Linux Mint jest również zaangażowany w rozwój MATE, klasycznego środowiska graficznego , które jest kontynuacją GNOME 2, domyślnego środowiska Linux Mint w latach 2006-2011. Chociaż brakuje mu kilku funkcji i jego rozwój jest wolniejszy niż Cinnamon, MATE działa szybciej, zużywa mniej zasobów i jest bardziej stabilny niż Cinnamon.
Xfce to lekkie środowisko graficzne. Nie obsługuje tylu funkcji, co Cinnamon lub MATE, ale jest niezwykle stabilny i bardzo oszczędny w użyciu zasobów.
Oczywiście wszystkie trzy środowiska są świetne i Linux Mint jest niezwykle dumny z każdej edycji. Chociaż w niektórych środowiskach jest więcej funkcji i lepsze wsparcie niż w innych, a niektóre działają szybciej i zużywają mniej zasobów niż inne, to wszystkie są świetnymi alternatywami, a wybór odpowiedniej edycji jest w dużej mierze kwestią gustu.
Oprócz funkcjonalności i wydajności Cinnamon, MATE i Xfce są także trzema różnymi środowiskami graficznymi, z różnymi menu, różnymi panelami i narzędziami konfiguracyjnymi. Odpowiednim dla ciebie będzie te, w którym czujesz się dobrze.
Jeśli nie jesteś pewien, które środowisko wybrać, zacznij od edycji Cinnamon. Wypróbuj inne środowiska, kiedy będziesz miał czas. Wszystkie trzy mają użytkowników w społeczności Linux Mint i są bardzo popularne.
32-bit czy 64-bit?
64-bit jest zalecane.
Obrazy ISO 32-bitowe są rozpowszechniane dla kompatybilności ze starymi komputerami. Procesory 32-bitowe są obecnie niezwykle rzadkie i większość komputerów może działać w trybie 64-bitowym. Jeśli twój komputer został wyprodukowany po 2007, prawdopodobnie masz już procesor 64-bitowy.
If you have an old computer and you are unsure whether or not it can run in 64-bit, read X86 Chronology.
You can try to boot Linux Mint 64-bit on your computer. If it isn’t compatible, nothing bad will happen. You will just get an error message.
Poniżej wsad w trakcie tłumaczenia.
Kod: #: ../../choose.rst:2
msgid "Choose the right edition"
msgstr "Wybór edycji"
#: ../../choose.rst:4
msgid ""
"You can download Linux Mint from the `Linux Mint website "
msgstr ""
"Linux Mint możesz ściągnąć ze `strony Linux Mint "
#: ../../choose.rst:6
msgid ""
"Read below to choose which edition and architecture are right for you."
msgstr ""
"Poniżej opisano wybór, odpowiedniej dla ciebie, edycji i architektury."
#: ../../choose.rst:9
msgid "Cinnamon, MATE or Xfce?"
msgstr "Cinnamon, MATE czy Xfce?"
#: ../../choose.rst:11
msgid ""
"Linux Mint comes in 3 different flavours, each featuring a different desktop "
msgstr ""
"Linux Mint występuje w 3 różnych odmianach, różniących się środowiskiem "
#: ../../choose.rst:14 ../../choose.rst:26
msgid "Cinnamon"
msgstr "Cinnamon"
#: ../../choose.rst:14
msgid "The most modern, innovative and full-featured desktop"
msgstr "Najbardziej nowoczesne, innowacyjne i w pełni funkcjonalne środowisko"
#: ../../choose.rst:15 ../../choose.rst:35
msgid "MATE"
msgstr "MATE"
#: ../../choose.rst:15
msgid "A more stable, and faster desktop"
msgstr "Bardziej stabilne i szybsze środowisko"
#: ../../choose.rst:16 ../../choose.rst:44
msgid "Xfce"
msgstr "Xfce"
#: ../../choose.rst:16
msgid "The most lightweight and the most stable"
msgstr "Najlżejsze i najbardziej stabilne""
#: ../../choose.rst:19
msgid ""
"The most popular version of Linux Mint is the Cinnamon edition. Cinnamon is "
"primarily developed for and by Linux Mint. It is slick, beautiful, and full "
"of new features."
msgstr ""
"Najbardziej popularną wersją Linux Mint jest edycja Cinnamon. Cinnamon jest "
"głównym środowiskiem Linux Mint i dla niego przeznaczonym. Jest schludny, piękny, i pełny "
"nowych funkcjonalności."
#: ../../choose.rst:28
msgid ""
"Linux Mint is also involved in the development of MATE, a classic desktop "
"environment which is the continuation of GNOME 2, Linux Mint's default "
"desktop between 2006 and 2011. Although it misses a few features and its "
"development is slower than Cinnamon's, MATE runs faster, uses less resources "
"and is more stable than Cinnamon."
msgstr ""
"Linux Mint jest również zaangażowany w rozwój MATE, klasycznego środowiska "
"graficznego , które jest kontynuacją GNOME 2, domyślnego środowiska "
"Linux Mint w latach 2006-2011. Chociaż brakuje mu kilku funkcji i jego rozwój "
"jest wolniejszy niż Cinnamon, MATE działa szybciej, zużywa mniej zasobów "
"i jest bardziej stabilny niż Cinnamon."
#: ../../choose.rst:37
msgid ""
"Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment. It doesn't support as many "
"features as Cinnamon or MATE, but it's extremely stable and very light on "
"resource usage."
msgstr ""
"Xfce to lekkie środowisko graficzne. Nie obsługuje tylu funkcji, "
"co Cinnamon lub MATE, ale jest niezwykle stabilny "
"i bardzo oszczędny w użyciu zasobów."
#: ../../choose.rst:46
msgid ""
"Of course, all three desktops are great and Linux Mint is extremely proud of "
"each edition. Although there are more features and better support in some "
"editions than others, and some do run faster and use less resources than "
"others, they're all great alternatives and choosing the right edition is "
"largely a matter of taste."
msgstr ""
"Oczywiście wszystkie trzy środowiska są świetne i Linux Mint jest niezwykle dumny "
"z każdej edycji. Chociaż w niektórych środowiskach jest więcej funkcji "
"i lepsze wsparcie niż w innych, a niektóre działają szybciej i zużywają mniej zasobów "
"niż inne, to wszystkie są świetnymi alternatywami, a wybór odpowiedniej edycji "
"jest w dużej mierze kwestią gustu."
#: ../../choose.rst:48
msgid ""
"Other than their features and performance, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce also "
"represent three different desktop environments, with different menus, "
"different panels and configuration tools. The right one for you is the one "
"where you feel at home."
msgstr ""
"Oprócz funkcjonalności i wydajności Cinnamon, MATE i Xfce są także "
"trzema różnymi środowiskami graficznymi, z różnymi menu, "
"różnymi panelami i narzędziami konfiguracyjnymi. Odpowiednim dla ciebie będzie te, "
"w którym czujesz się dobrze."
#: ../../choose.rst:50
msgid ""
"If you are unsure which desktop to choose start with the Cinnamon edition. "
"Try them all eventually when you have the time. All three of them have their "
"own audience within the Linux Mint community and they're all very popular."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli nie jesteś pewien, które środowisko wybrać, zacznij od edycji Cinnamon.. "
"Wypróbuj inne środowiska, kiedy będziesz miał czas. Wszystkie trzy mają "
"użytkowników w społeczności Linux Mint i są bardzo popularne."
#: ../../choose.rst:54
msgid "32-bit or 64-bit?"
msgstr "32-bit czy 64-bit?"
#: ../../choose.rst:56
msgid "64-bit is recommended."
msgstr "64-bit jest zalecane."
#: ../../choose.rst:58
msgid ""
"The 32-bit ISO images are provided for compatibility with older computers. "
"32-bit processors are extremely rare nowadays and most computers are able to "
"run in 64-bit. If your computer was manufactured after 2007, you probably "
"have a 64-bit processor."
msgstr ""
"Obrazy ISO 32-bitowe są rozpowszechniane dla kompatybilności ze starymi komputerami. "
"Procesory 32-bitowe są obecnie nezwykle rzadkie i większość komputerów może działać "
"w trybie 64-bitowym. Jeśli twój komputer został wyprodukowany po 2007, prawdopodobnie "
"masz już procesor 64-bitowy."
#: ../../choose.rst:60
msgid ""
"If you have an old computer and you are unsure whether or not it can run in "
"64-bit, read `X86 Chronology "
msgstr ""
"If you have an old computer and you are unsure whether or not it can run in "
"64-bit, read `X86 Chronology "
#: ../../choose.rst:63
msgid ""
"You can try to boot Linux Mint 64-bit on your computer. If it isn't "
"compatible, nothing bad will happen. You will just get an error message."
msgstr ""
"You can try to boot Linux Mint 64-bit on your computer. If it isn't "
"compatible, nothing bad will happen. You will just get an error message."
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
23-05-2019, 18:28
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 23-05-2019, 18:36 przez dedito.)
0 Weryfikacja ściągniętego obrazu ISO
It is important to verify the integrity and authenticity of your ISO image.
The integrity check confirms that your ISO image was properly downloaded and that your local file is an exact copy of the file present on the download servers. An error during the download could result in a corrupted file and trigger random issues during the installation.
The authenticity check confirms that the ISO image you downloaded was signed by Linux Mint, and thus that it isn’t a modified or malicious copy made by somebody else.
Download the SHA256 sums provided by Linux Mint
All download mirrors provide the ISO images, a
file and a
file. You should be able to find these files in the same place you downloaded the ISO image from.
If you can’t find them, browse the Heanet download mirror and click the version of the Linux Mint release you downloaded.
Download both
Do not copy their content, use “right-click->Save Link As…” to download the files themselves and do not modify them in any way.
Integrity check
To check the integrity of your local ISO file, generate its SHA256 sum and compare it with the sum present in
sha256sum -b yourfile.iso
If you are using Windows follow the tutorial How to verify the ISO image on Windows.
If the sums match, your ISO image was successfully downloaded. If they don’t, download it again.
Authenticity check
To verify the authenticity of
, check the signature of
by following the steps below.
Import the Linux Mint signing key:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key "27DE B156 44C6 B3CF 3BD7 D291 300F 846B A25B AE09"
If gpg complains about the key ID, try the following commands instead:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key A25BAE09
gpg --list-key --with-fingerprint A25BAE09
Check the output of the last command, to make sure the fingerprint is
Kod: 27DE B156 44C6 B3CF 3BD7 D291 300F 846B A25B AE09
(with or without spaces).
Verify the authenticity of sha256sum.txt:
gpg --verify sha256sum.txt.gpg sha256sum.txt
The output of the last command should tell you that the file signature is
and that it was signed with the
GPG might warn you that the Linux Mint signature is not trusted by your computer. This is expected and perfectly normal.
For more information on ISO verification, or to verify BETA, LMDE or old releases, read How to Verify ISO images.
Kod: #: ../../verify.rst:2
msgid "Verify your ISO image"
msgstr "Weryfikacja ściągniętego obrazu ISO"
#: ../../verify.rst:4
msgid ""
"It is important to verify the integrity and authenticity of your ISO image."
msgstr ""
"It is important to verify the integrity and authenticity of your ISO image."
#: ../../verify.rst:6
msgid ""
"The integrity check confirms that your ISO image was properly downloaded and "
"that your local file is an exact copy of the file present on the download "
"servers. An error during the download could result in a corrupted file and "
"trigger random issues during the installation."
msgstr ""
"The integrity check confirms that your ISO image was properly downloaded and "
"that your local file is an exact copy of the file present on the download "
"servers. An error during the download could result in a corrupted file and "
"trigger random issues during the installation."
#: ../../verify.rst:8
msgid ""
"The authenticity check confirms that the ISO image you downloaded was signed "
"by Linux Mint, and thus that it isn't a modified or malicious copy made by "
"somebody else."
msgstr ""
"The authenticity check confirms that the ISO image you downloaded was signed "
"by Linux Mint, and thus that it isn't a modified or malicious copy made by "
"somebody else."
#: ../../verify.rst:11
msgid "Download the SHA256 sums provided by Linux Mint"
msgstr "Download the SHA256 sums provided by Linux Mint"
#: ../../verify.rst:13
msgid ""
"All `download mirrors <>`_ provide the "
"ISO images, a ``sha256sum.txt`` file and a ``sha256sum.txt.gpg`` file. You "
"should be able to find these files in the same place you downloaded the ISO "
"image from."
msgstr ""
"All `download mirrors <>`_ provide the "
"ISO images, a ``sha256sum.txt`` file and a ``sha256sum.txt.gpg`` file. You "
"should be able to find these files in the same place you downloaded the ISO "
"image from."
#: ../../verify.rst:15
msgid ""
"If you can't find them, browse the `Heanet download mirror "
"<>`_ and click the "
"version of the Linux Mint release you downloaded."
msgstr ""
"If you can't find them, browse the `Heanet download mirror "
"<>`_ and click the "
"version of the Linux Mint release you downloaded."
#: ../../verify.rst:17
msgid "Download both ``sha256sum.txt`` and ``sha256sum.txt.gpg``."
msgstr "Download both ``sha256sum.txt`` and ``sha256sum.txt.gpg``."
#: ../../verify.rst:20
msgid "Integrity check"
msgstr "Integrity check"
#: ../../verify.rst:22
msgid ""
"To check the integrity of your local ISO file, generate its SHA256 sum and "
"compare it with the sum present in ``sha256sum.txt``."
msgstr ""
"To check the integrity of your local ISO file, generate its SHA256 sum and "
"compare it with the sum present in ``sha256sum.txt``."
#: ../../verify.rst:29
msgid ""
"If you are using Windows you can get the sha256sum (and gpg) command utility "
"by installing `Cygwin <>`_."
msgstr ""
"If you are using Windows you can get the sha256sum (and gpg) command utility "
"by installing `Cygwin <>`_."
#: ../../verify.rst:31
msgid ""
"If the sums match, your ISO image was successfully downloaded. If they "
"don't, download it again."
msgstr ""
"If the sums match, your ISO image was successfully downloaded. If they "
"don't, download it again."
#: ../../verify.rst:36
msgid "Authenticity check"
msgstr "Authenticity check"
#: ../../verify.rst:38
msgid ""
"To verify the authenticity of ``sha256sum.txt``, check the signature of "
"``sha256sum.txt.gpg`` by following the steps below."
msgstr ""
"To verify the authenticity of ``sha256sum.txt``, check the signature of "
"``sha256sum.txt.gpg`` by following the steps below."
#: ../../verify.rst:41
msgid "Import the Linux Mint signing key:"
msgstr "Import the Linux Mint signing key:"
#: ../../verify.rst:47
msgid ""
"If gpg complains about the key ID, try the following commands instead:"
msgstr ""
"If gpg complains about the key ID, try the following commands instead:"
#: ../../verify.rst:54
msgid ""
"Check the output of the last command, to make sure the fingerprint is ``27DE "
"B156 44C6 B3CF 3BD7 D291 300F 846B A25B AE09``."
msgstr ""
"Check the output of the last command, to make sure the fingerprint is ``27DE "
"B156 44C6 B3CF 3BD7 D291 300F 846B A25B AE09``."
#: ../../verify.rst:57
msgid "Verify the authenticity of sha256sum.txt:"
msgstr "Verify the authenticity of sha256sum.txt:"
#: ../../verify.rst:62
msgid ""
"The output of the last command should tell you that the file signature is "
"``good`` and that it was signed with the ``A25BAE09`` key."
msgstr ""
"The output of the last command should tell you that the file signature is "
"``good`` and that it was signed with the ``A25BAE09`` key."
#: ../../verify.rst:65
msgid ""
"GPG might warn you that the Linux Mint signature is not trusted by your "
"computer. This is expected and perfectly normal."
msgstr ""
"GPG might warn you that the Linux Mint signature is not trusted by your "
"computer. This is expected and perfectly normal."
#: ../../verify.rst:68
msgid ""
"For more information on ISO verification, or to verify BETA, LMDE or old "
"releases, read `How to Verify ISO images "
msgstr ""
"For more information on ISO verification, or to verify BETA, LMDE or old "
"releases, read `How to Verify ISO images "
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
24-05-2019, 07:15
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 24-05-2019, 17:37 przez dedito.)
0 Tworzenie nośnika rozruchowego
The easiest way to install Linux Mint is with a USB stick.
If you cannot boot from USB, you can use a blank DVD.
How to make a bootable USB stick
In Linux Mint
Right-click the ISO file and select Make Bootable USB Stick, or launch Menu ‣ Accessories ‣ USB Image Writer.
Select your USB device and click Write.
In Windows, Mac OS, or other Linux distributions
Download Etcher, install it and run it.
Using Etcher
Click Select image and select your ISO file.
Click Select drive and select your USB stick.
Click Flash!.
How to make a bootable DVD
Optical discs are slow and burning to disc is prone to errors.
To prevent issues, burn at the lowest possible speed.
Burn the content of the ISO onto the DVD, not the ISO file itself. When finished, your DVD should contain directories such as
, it shouldn’t be an empty DVD containing an .iso file.
In Linux
Install and use
In Windows
Right-click the ISO file and select Burn disk image.
To make sure the ISO was burned without any errors, select Verify disc after burning.
In Mac OS
Right-click the ISO file and select Burn Disk Image to Disc.
Kod: #: ../../burn.rst:2
msgid "Create the bootable media"
msgstr "Tworzenie nośnika rozruchowego"
#: ../../burn.rst:4
msgid "The easiest way to install Linux Mint is with a USB stick."
msgstr "The easiest way to install Linux Mint is with a USB stick."
#: ../../burn.rst:6
msgid "If you cannot boot from USB, you can use a blank DVD."
msgstr "If you cannot boot from USB, you can use a blank DVD."
#: ../../burn.rst:9
msgid "How to make a bootable USB stick"
msgstr "How to make a bootable USB stick"
#: ../../burn.rst:12
msgid "In Linux Mint"
msgstr "In Linux Mint"
#: ../../burn.rst:14
msgid ""
"Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Make Bootable USB "
"Stick`, or launch :menuselection:`Menu --> Accessories --> USB Image Writer`."
msgstr ""
"Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Make Bootable USB "
"Stick`, or launch :menuselection:`Menu --> Accessories --> USB Image Writer`."
#: ../../burn.rst:20
msgid "Select your USB device and click :guilabel:`Write`."
msgstr "Select your USB device and click :guilabel:`Write`."
#: ../../burn.rst:23
msgid "In Windows, Mac OS, or other Linux distributions"
msgstr "In Windows, Mac OS, or other Linux distributions"
#: ../../burn.rst:25
msgid "Download `Etcher <>`_, install it and run it."
msgstr "Download `Etcher <>`_, install it and run it."
#: ../../burn.rst:31
msgid "Using Etcher"
msgstr "Using Etcher"
#: ../../burn.rst:33
msgid "Click :guilabel:`Select image` and select your ISO file."
msgstr "Click :guilabel:`Select image` and select your ISO file."
#: ../../burn.rst:35
msgid "Click :guilabel:`Select drive` and select your USB stick."
msgstr "Click :guilabel:`Select drive` and select your USB stick."
#: ../../burn.rst:37
msgid "Click :guilabel:`Flash!`."
msgstr "Click :guilabel:`Flash!`."
#: ../../burn.rst:41
msgid "How to make a bootable DVD"
msgstr "How to make a bootable DVD"
#: ../../burn.rst:43
msgid "Optical discs are slow and burning to disc is prone to errors."
msgstr "Optical discs are slow and burning to disc is prone to errors."
#: ../../burn.rst:46
msgid "To prevent issues, burn at the lowest possible speed."
msgstr "To prevent issues, burn at the lowest possible speed."
#: ../../burn.rst:49
msgid ""
"Burn the content of the ISO onto the DVD, not the ISO file itself. When "
"finished, your DVD should contain directories such as ``boot`` and "
"``casper``, it shouldn't be an empty DVD containing an .iso file."
msgstr ""
"Burn the content of the ISO onto the DVD, not the ISO file itself. When "
"finished, your DVD should contain directories such as ``boot`` and "
"``casper``, it shouldn't be an empty DVD containing an .iso file."
#: ../../burn.rst:52
msgid "In Linux"
msgstr "In Linux"
#: ../../burn.rst:53
msgid "Install and use ``xfburn``."
msgstr "Install and use ``xfburn``."
#: ../../burn.rst:56
msgid "In Windows"
msgstr "In Windows"
#: ../../burn.rst:57
msgid "Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Burn disk image`."
msgstr ""
"Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Burn disk image`."
#: ../../burn.rst:59
msgid ""
"To make sure the ISO was burned without any errors, select "
":menuselection:`Verify disc after burning`."
msgstr ""
"To make sure the ISO was burned without any errors, select "
":menuselection:`Verify disc after burning`."
#: ../../burn.rst:62
msgid "In Mac OS"
msgstr "In Mac OS"
#: ../../burn.rst:63
msgid ""
"Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Burn Disk Image to Disc`."
msgstr ""
"Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Burn Disk Image to Disc`."
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
24-05-2019, 17:43
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 26-05-2019, 11:25 przez dedito.)
0 Uruchamianie Linux Mint
Now that you have Linux Mint on a USB stick (or DVD) boot the computer from it.
- Insert your USB stick (or DVD) into the computer.
- Restart the computer.
- Before your computer boots your current operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) you should see your BIOS loading screen. Check the screen or your computer’s documentation to know which key to press and instruct your computer to boot on USB (or DVD).
Most BIOS have a special key you can press to select the boot device and all of them have a special key to enter the BIOS configuration screen (from which you can define the boot order). Depending on the BIOS, these special keys can be Escape, F1, F2, F8, F10, F11, F12, or Delete. That information is usually briefly written on the screen during the boot sequence.
On Macs, keep your finger pressed on the Alt or Option key after hearing the boot sound.
- The Linux Mint ISO can be booted both in EFI or BIOS mode. In EFI mode it shows a grub menu. In BIOS mode it shows an isolinux menu.
The isolinux menu in BIOS mode
The grub menu in EFI mode
- From one of these menu, press Enter to start Linux Mint from your USB stick (or DVD).
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
26-05-2019, 11:35
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 26-05-2019, 11:36 przez dedito.)
0 Instalacja Linux Mint
The live session
When you boot the computer from the USB stick (or DVD), Linux Mint starts a
. It logs you in automatically as a user called
and shows you a desktop with the installer on it:
The Linux Mint live session
is similar to a normal session (i.e. to Linux Mint once it is permanently installed on the computer), but with the following exceptions: - The Live session is slower (it is loaded from a USB stick or DVD as opposed to a SSD or HDD).
- Changes you make in the live session are not permanent. They are not written to the USB stick (or DVD) and they do not impact the system installed by the installer.
- Some applications work differently (or not at all) in the live session (Timeshift, Flatpak, Update Manager, Welcome Screen..etc.).
The username for the live session is
. If asked for a password press Enter.
Installing Linux Mint on the computer
To permanently install Linux Mint on your computer:
- Double-click Install Linux Mint.
- Select your language.
- Connect to the Internet.
- If you are connected to the Internet, tick the box to install the multimedia codecs.
- Choose an installation type.
If Linux Mint is the only operating system you want to run on this computer and all data can be lost on the hard drive, choose Erase disk and install Linux Mint.
Encrypt the new Linux Mint installation for security refers to full disk encryption. At this stage of the installation your keyboard layout wasn’t yet selected so it is set to en_US. If you decide to use this option, keep this in mind when entering a password. Note that there are issues with this option and some NVIDIA drivers. If you are new to Linux use home directory encryption instead (you can select it later during the installation).
If another operating system is present on the computer, the installer shows you an option to install Linux Mint alongside it. If you choose this option, the installer automatically resizes your existing operating system, makes room and installs Linux Mint beside it. A boot menu is set up to choose between the two operating systems each time you start your computer.
If you want to manage the partitions or specify which partitions to use, select Something else.
Linux Mint requires one partition to be mounted on the root
The Linux Mint operating system (without additional software or personal data) takes roughly 15GB, so give this partition a decent size (100GB or more).
is recommended. It is the most popular Linux filesystem.
Also create a
partition. This partition is used for hibernation and as a safety buffer in case your computer runs out of RAM. Give this partition a size equal to the amount of RAM in your computer.
- Select your timezone
- Select your keyboard layout
- Enter your user details
can be your real name, but it doesn’t have to be. It is only used locally, in the screensaver and on the login screen.
is what you log in as, and your
is the name of your computer on the network.
To prevent bugs only use lowercase characters, with no punctuation or accentuation.
To protect your personal data against local attacks (people around you, or in case your computer gets stolen), tick Encrypt my home folder.
Choose a strong password.
- Enjoy the slideshow while Linux Mint is installed on your computer.
When the installation is finished, click Restart Now.
The computer will then start to shut down and ask you to remove the USB disk (or DVD). Upon reboot, your computer should show you a boot menu or start your newly installed Linux Mint operating system.
Kod: #: ../../install.rst:2
msgid "Install Linux Mint"
msgstr "Install Linux Mint"
#: ../../install.rst:5
msgid "The live session"
msgstr "The live session"
#: ../../install.rst:7
msgid ""
"When you boot the computer from the USB stick (or DVD), Linux Mint starts a "
"``live session``. It logs you in automatically as a user called ``mint`` and "
"shows you a desktop with the installer on it:"
msgstr ""
"When you boot the computer from the USB stick (or DVD), Linux Mint starts a "
"``live session``. It logs you in automatically as a user called ``mint`` and "
"shows you a desktop with the installer on it:"
#: ../../install.rst:13
msgid "The Linux Mint live session"
msgstr "The Linux Mint live session"
#: ../../install.rst:15
msgid ""
"The ``live session`` is similar to a normal session (i.e. to Linux Mint once "
"it is permanently installed on the computer), but with the following "
msgstr ""
"The ``live session`` is similar to a normal session (i.e. to Linux Mint once "
"it is permanently installed on the computer), but with the following "
#: ../../install.rst:17
msgid ""
"The Live session is slower (it is loaded from a USB stick or DVD as opposed "
"to a SSD or HDD)."
msgstr ""
"The Live session is slower (it is loaded from a USB stick or DVD as opposed "
"to a SSD or HDD)."
#: ../../install.rst:18
msgid ""
"Changes you make in the live session are not permanent. They are not written "
"to the USB stick (or DVD) and they do not impact the system installed by the "
msgstr ""
"Changes you make in the live session are not permanent. They are not written "
"to the USB stick (or DVD) and they do not impact the system installed by the "
#: ../../install.rst:19
msgid ""
"Some applications work differently (or not at all) in the live session "
"(Timeshift, Flatpak, Update Manager, Welcome Screen..etc.)."
msgstr ""
"Some applications work differently (or not at all) in the live session "
"(Timeshift, Flatpak, Update Manager, Welcome Screen..etc.)."
#: ../../install.rst:22
msgid ""
"The username for the live session is ``mint``. If asked for a password press "
msgstr ""
"The username for the live session is ``mint``. If asked for a password press "
#: ../../install.rst:25
msgid "Installing Linux Mint on the computer"
msgstr "Installing Linux Mint on the computer"
#: ../../install.rst:27
msgid "To permanently install Linux Mint on your computer:"
msgstr "To permanently install Linux Mint on your computer:"
#: ../../install.rst:29
msgid "Double-click :guilabel:`Install Linux Mint`."
msgstr "Double-click :guilabel:`Install Linux Mint`."
#: ../../install.rst:31
msgid "Select your language."
msgstr "Select your language."
#: ../../install.rst:37
msgid "Connect to the Internet."
msgstr "Connect to the Internet."
#: ../../install.rst:43
msgid ""
"If you are connected to the Internet, tick the box to install the multimedia "
msgstr ""
"If you are connected to the Internet, tick the box to install the multimedia "
#: ../../install.rst:49
msgid "Choose an installation type."
msgstr "Choose an installation type."
#: ../../install.rst:55
msgid ""
"If Linux Mint is the only operating system you want to run on this computer "
"and all data can be lost on the hard drive, choose :guilabel:`Erase disk and "
"install Linux Mint`."
msgstr ""
"If Linux Mint is the only operating system you want to run on this computer "
"and all data can be lost on the hard drive, choose :guilabel:`Erase disk and "
"install Linux Mint`."
#: ../../install.rst:58
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Encrypt the new Linux Mint installation for security` refers to "
"full disk encryption. At this stage of the installation your keyboard layout "
"wasn't yet selected so it is set to en_US. If you decide to use this option, "
"keep this in mind when entering a password. Note that there are issues with "
"this option and some NVIDIA drivers. If you are new to Linux use home "
"directory encryption instead (you can select it later during the "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Encrypt the new Linux Mint installation for security` refers to "
"full disk encryption. At this stage of the installation your keyboard layout "
"wasn't yet selected so it is set to en_GB. If you decide to use this option, "
"keep this in mind when entering a password. Note that there are issues with "
"this option and some NVIDIA drivers. If you are new to Linux use home "
"directory encryption instead (you can select it later during the "
#: ../../install.rst:60
msgid ""
"If another operating system is present on the computer, the installer shows "
"you an option to install Linux Mint alongside it. If you choose this option, "
"the installer automatically resizes your existing operating system, makes "
"room and installs Linux Mint beside it. A boot menu is set up to choose "
"between the two operating systems each time you start your computer."
msgstr ""
"If another operating system is present on the computer, the installer shows "
"you an option to install Linux Mint alongside it. If you choose this option, "
"the installer automatically resizes your existing operating system, makes "
"room and installs Linux Mint beside it. A boot menu is set up to choose "
"between the two operating systems each time you start your computer."
#: ../../install.rst:64
msgid ""
"If you want to manage the partitions or specify which partitions to use, "
"select :guilabel:`Something else`."
msgstr ""
"If you want to manage the partitions or specify which partitions to use, "
"select :guilabel:`Something else`."
#: ../../install.rst:70
msgid ""
"Linux Mint requires one partition to be mounted on the root ``/`` directory."
msgstr ""
"Linux Mint requires one partition to be mounted on the root ``/`` directory."
#: ../../install.rst:72
msgid ""
"The Linux Mint operating system (without additional software or personal "
"data) takes roughly 15GB, so give this partition a decent size (100GB or "
msgstr ""
"The Linux Mint operating system (without additional software or personal "
"data) takes roughly 15GB, so give this partition a decent size (100GB or "
#: ../../install.rst:74
msgid "``ext4`` is recommended. It is the most popular Linux filesystem."
msgstr "``ext4`` is recommended. It is the most popular Linux filesystem."
#: ../../install.rst:79
msgid ""
"Also create a ``swap`` partition. This partition is used for hibernation and "
"as a safety buffer in case your computer runs out of RAM. Give this "
"partition a size equal to the amount of RAM in your computer."
msgstr ""
"Also create a ``swap`` partition. This partition is used for hibernation and "
"as a safety buffer in case your computer runs out of RAM. Give this "
"partition a size equal to the amount of RAM in your computer."
#: ../../install.rst:81
msgid "Select your timezone"
msgstr "Select your timezone"
#: ../../install.rst:87
msgid "Select your keyboard layout"
msgstr "Select your keyboard layout"
#: ../../install.rst:93
msgid "Enter your user details"
msgstr "Enter your user details"
#: ../../install.rst:99
msgid ""
"Your ``name`` can be your real name, but it doesn't have to be. It is only "
"used locally, in the screensaver and on the login screen."
msgstr ""
"Your ``name`` can be your real name, but it doesn't have to be. It is only "
"used locally, in the screensaver and on the login screen."
#: ../../install.rst:101
msgid ""
"Your ``username`` is what you log in as, and your ``hostname`` is the name "
"of your computer on the network."
msgstr ""
"Your ``username`` is what you log in as, and your ``hostname`` is the name "
"of your computer on the network."
#: ../../install.rst:103
msgid ""
"To prevent bugs only use lowercase characters, with no punctuation or "
msgstr ""
"To prevent bugs only use lowercase characters, with no punctuation or "
#: ../../install.rst:105
msgid ""
"To protect your personal data against local attacks (people around you, or "
"in case your computer gets stolen), tick :guilabel:`Encrypt my home folder`."
msgstr ""
"To protect your personal data against local attacks (people around you, or "
"in case your computer gets stolen), tick :guilabel:`Encrypt my home folder`."
#: ../../install.rst:107
msgid "Choose a strong password."
msgstr "Choose a strong password."
#: ../../install.rst:109
msgid "Enjoy the slideshow while Linux Mint is installed on your computer."
msgstr "Enjoy the slideshow while Linux Mint is installed on your computer."
#: ../../install.rst:115
msgid "When the installation is finished, click :guilabel:`Restart Now`."
msgstr "When the installation is finished, click :guilabel:`Restart Now`."
#: ../../install.rst:121
msgid ""
"The computer will then start to shut down and ask you to remove the USB disk "
"(or DVD). Upon reboot, your computer should show you a boot menu or start "
"your newly installed Linux Mint operating system."
msgstr ""
"The computer will then start to shut down and ask you to remove the USB disk "
"(or DVD). Upon reboot, your computer should show you a boot menu or start "
"your newly installed Linux Mint operating system."
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
0 Hardware drivers
One of the first things to do after installing Linux Mint is to check for available hardware drivers.
- Launch Menu ‣ Administration ‣ Driver Manager.
If you are offline, the Driver Manager will complain that it cannot connect to the Internet.
Insert your bootable Linux Mint USB stick (or DVD), wait for it to be mounted, and click OK.
- Tick the appropriate checkboxes to select the available drivers and click Apply Changes.
- Restart the computer.
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
0 Multimedia codecs
Some multimedia content requires additional codecs to be installed.
If you were online when installing Linux Mint and you ticked the option to install these codecs, they are already installed.
- Launch Menu ‣ Sound & Video ‣ Install Multimedia Codecs.
- Click Install.
- Enter your password and wait for the codecs to be installed on your computer.
Liczba postów: 4 257
Liczba wątków: 76
Dołączył: Dec 2018
System: Inny
Środowisko graficzne: Xfce
Architektura CPU: 64bit
Inny System: Debian testing/sid
Miernik podziękowań 39%
26-05-2019, 15:45
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 26-05-2019, 15:47 przez dedito.)
0 Language support
Language support includes translations but also packages related to spell-checking, synonyms, hyphenation and dictionnaries which enhance your experience in software applications such as LibreOffice.
- Launch Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Languages.
- Click Install / Remove Language.
- If beside your locale, you see a label saying Some language packs are missing, select your locale and click Install language packs.